Haru 2025 Predictions
We have one more day before the March basho starts, so here are the pre-tournament predictions.
We’re all just waiting around for the Haru basho to start, but you can still sign up for Fantasy Basho on Fantasizr.
Well, the basho is just about here, and that means I need to put my predictions down like I do before every basho. These always make me a bit nervous, but the predictions for Haru are making me extra nervous because they feel… simpler than usual.
The Hatsu predictions had the thorny issue of what to do with Terunofuji. Leading up to the basho, all indications were he was going for it. And when he competed, he had dominated. When he had been unable to compete, he didn’t do anything. For some reason, I decided to split the difference. Then he mounted the dohyo, struggled, and decided to hang it up. I also picked the wrong Ozeki to win, while also seeing all three having success. Like everyone else, I did not think Kinbozan would be in the Yusho race.
So maybe just take my predictions with a grain of salt. The good news is that everyone is competing this time around for Day One’s matches, with no major injury concerns. Hoshoryu is a brand-new Yokozuna, Kotozakura is working through Kadoban status for the first time, and Onosato is still establishing himself as an Ozeki. Oho is in his first Sanyaku tournament. Kinbozan and Takerufuji are on the fringes of facing Sanyaku wrestlers as part of their regular slate. Aonishiki makes his Makuuchi debut, while Shishi, Asakoryu, and Shirokuma are proving they belong.
I am predicting an Onosato Yusho, with Takerufuji, Atamifuji, Hakuoho, and Aonishiki all performing well. Maybe that’s more of a wishful prediction than a logical analysis. It would still be great to see. I also feel like I’m missing the surprise Maegashira contender, but then it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it? Here are my full predictions:
See you for the first daily recap tomorrow morning, once we have live sumo.